Sunday, July 18, 2010

Almost ready!

Well, things are almost done! My visa application is sent off, and while it took longer than I thought, it's done! I got there in time for my appointment, but the guy was running like an hour later. Once I finally got in, it was pretty simple. He basically went over my forms to make sure I have everything signed, took my picture, took my finger prints and went on. He didn't take my soul, which I thought he might :P.

Of course, since it's the way it goes, there was a snafu. We thought that we'd give our applications to Hayward, our main contact here in St. John's/on campus, and send them all together but apparently we couldn't do that anymore. That sucked because now, we have to send a pre-paid, self-addressed priority post to them in a priority post envelope. They won't take Express post, which means paying over $60 to send it off. Grrr.

But, now it's off! Assuming that things go well, which I don't imagine happening, I'll get my visa sometime this week. Then, it's just saving my money, getting things packed, probably getting some new clothes until it's time to go!
I know what school I'm going to! I'll be attending Fawbert and Barnard's, either in Kindergarten or Grade 3. I'm liking that it's about a block away from campus, which is pretty cool.

I'm thinking about having a going away party before I go. I'd have to open my house to fit everyone in. That's what sucks about having a small house. I'd have to invite my friends, friends from work and friends from school who I'm close to. I can't invite all 75 of my class because I just can't fit that many people :P. I might stop work on August 20th, ask to work the morning shift, have the party in the evening and then go to the Backstreet Boys concert on August 21st. That leaves the week to get everything ready.

I think that's all I have to update for now.

41 days and counting....

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