Thursday, June 17, 2010

There's always something

There's always something that wants to prevent me from going to Harlow. Mostly, it's financial. The deal is that the Visa people want reassurance that you won't be a drain on the social system in the UK and that you have money in case of an emergency. Makes sense. And of course, I will have that money, through a combination of my job, my student loans and my line of credit. We have that part established.

Now, here's the fun part. I go to apply for a student line of credit and I'll probably get about $7000. That's not too bad, and while more would be nice, that's more I have to pay back. Since I only have to pay the interest while in school, and then take seven years to pay back the money, it's really not so bad. And, combined with the rest, I'm positive it'll be enough. So what's the issue?

Well, they won't finish the application/I won't get money until after I register. I register July 19th. The biometrics/visa people will be here on July 15th. I sincerely doubt that I will have $4000 in the bank before that date; that's just a month away!

I've e-mailed someone at MUN to see if maybe I can get a letter for the bank asking to go ahead with the processing, but I haven't heard back yet. There's a meeting Wednesday, and if I'm off, I'll ask then. If not, I'll probably give him a call and asking. I remember them saying that if there are little issues that they'll try to work around them. Should I be surprised that I'm the one with issues?

That's the update for now. I was going to post about some things I was thinking about the other week but I was busy with work and then I got the stomach flu. I'll keep you posted though.

Until next time,


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