Monday, April 12, 2010

Government isn't fun

(I wrote this on Thursday night, but couldn't post it until tonight. So please take the dates written in consideration.)

We had our Visa meeting today and honestly, I'm a little confused by things. However, I'm sure things will get more figured out as time goes on. The thing that scares me most though is that I could be refused a Visa because of this monetary fund thing. They want you to have about $4000 Canadian in the bank when you apply. Credit cards do not count. Leave it to the Canadian/British government to screw me over. See, I'm from a low-income family. $4000 is a lot! A LOT! Before my dad started working, $4000 was four months income. No one in my family has had $4000 in the bank at one time.

Besides, my plan was to work, but most of my money on my credit card (because debit is iffy overseas) and use that. But now, if I need $4000 in the bank, that kinda messes up plans. Plus, I haven't gotten a job yet. I might have to take out a line of credit, which I'd rather not to. Money, the cause and solution all the world's problems, huh?

I got my passport photo done today. Took no time at all! And cost less than $20. I showed my parents and Dad said "don't you know how to smile?". You're not suppose to smile for a passport photo. Now I just need someone who knows me and can help me fill out the rest of the application. Shouldn't be hard to find.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I'll update once the money situation clears up.

Talk to you later,


P.S. This was written at the Capital Hotel, sitting at the table for the MUN Education Masquerade Ball, on old-fashioned pen and paper, typed later. Yes, I know how to use old technology like pen and paper :P.

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