Thursday, April 22, 2010

Working Girl!

I got the job! I'll be working at Tim Horton's on Torbay Road now. I've had one shift so far with two more coming this week. It's mostly training so far, watching videos and doing a bit of floor work. It's not too bad, since it's so busy the time just flies by. The only time I'm wary of the time is when I'm getting hungry. Then I'm kinda watching the clock for my break.

Last night I did drive-thru which wasn't so bad. Busy, but not so bad. It'd get a little confusing making some special orders, and trying to keep track of what order I had to make, following the little screen. I kinda liked being on the cash, taking people's money. I'm use to that with other jobs.

Some perks: free coffee. Though I didn't find this out until after I paid for a milk and a diet Pepsi during my breaks. Also, there's a nice discount on the actual food. So my $4 sandwich turns into a $2 sandwich. Love it. Plus, we get tips! I don't know about other Tim's, but when people don't take their change, we put it in the jar, and at the end of the shift, the money gets split between us. I took home $4.40 in tips! Not a lot, but every bit helps when it comes to going to Harlow!

Looks like it'll be a bit more ok, money-wise for me. I'd say a good chunk of my change will be saved for Harlow. I do need a bit of entertainment/food/bus money. But it's definitely better than it was a week ago.

Keeping you posted,


Sunday, April 18, 2010

I might have a job! I had an interview at Tim Hortons on Torbay Road (not the closest to my house by any means) and it went well. Even though I told her I hoped to go to England in the fall, she said "so you need full time?". It's a busy place, so that's alright. She hoped to call me back Friday, but if she couldn't find time to call, she'd call me on Monday. So here's hoping for a job!

Now the only thing keeping me from Harlow is the volcanoes in Iceland. I'm just praying that they'll die down and the flights are back on schedule by the end of August. Of course, the prices will probably jump to make up for the lost money.

More updates as they become available.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Government isn't fun

(I wrote this on Thursday night, but couldn't post it until tonight. So please take the dates written in consideration.)

We had our Visa meeting today and honestly, I'm a little confused by things. However, I'm sure things will get more figured out as time goes on. The thing that scares me most though is that I could be refused a Visa because of this monetary fund thing. They want you to have about $4000 Canadian in the bank when you apply. Credit cards do not count. Leave it to the Canadian/British government to screw me over. See, I'm from a low-income family. $4000 is a lot! A LOT! Before my dad started working, $4000 was four months income. No one in my family has had $4000 in the bank at one time.

Besides, my plan was to work, but most of my money on my credit card (because debit is iffy overseas) and use that. But now, if I need $4000 in the bank, that kinda messes up plans. Plus, I haven't gotten a job yet. I might have to take out a line of credit, which I'd rather not to. Money, the cause and solution all the world's problems, huh?

I got my passport photo done today. Took no time at all! And cost less than $20. I showed my parents and Dad said "don't you know how to smile?". You're not suppose to smile for a passport photo. Now I just need someone who knows me and can help me fill out the rest of the application. Shouldn't be hard to find.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I'll update once the money situation clears up.

Talk to you later,


P.S. This was written at the Capital Hotel, sitting at the table for the MUN Education Masquerade Ball, on old-fashioned pen and paper, typed later. Yes, I know how to use old technology like pen and paper :P.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Just heard, we're meeting Thursday at 2 pm in order to get started on our work visas! Exciting! I need to get that passport done soon too...

I'll update on the visa information as it comes along.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lack of Updates

I haven't been updating lately, mostly because of the lack of things to do in my preparation. Also, my grandmother recently passed away, so my mind has hardly been on Harlow.

I started filling out my passport application, but got confused. Maybe I'll just wait until I get my picture, then find someone to fill it out with me so I know what I'm doing.

As I said, my grandmother passed away on Monday, March 29th. I love her and I'll miss her terribly. She knew I was going to England, but I don't know if she really remembered, as her memory was going. I always had the plan of going to Buckingham Palace and taking a picture of the Queen walking past a window. I'd bring it home and show it to Nan, who'd probably frame it, saying "Look, there's the Queen's arm as she goes past the window." Nan loved the Queen. Apparently the looked similar when younger, and both are named Elizabeth. But then, Nan was always interested in celebrities. This is where I'm sure I got it from.

So no real updates on Harlow yet, but there will be as the months come and I actually get over there.

See you soon,
