Sunday, December 12, 2010

Another post?

Two entries in a row. Weird, I know. I guess it's because I happen to have a little bit more time now. That, and I don't really want to go out into the streets of London by myself in the dark. I'm not THAT crazy.

This morning, I went to church at Westminster Abbey, where the Queen got married, where Prince William's getting married and where countless other people have married and been buried there. Quite something! The service was was like the BCP order with some BCP words, some version of the BAS. Still had that handshaking though. I kinda had to do it. Not like when there's a BAS service at the Cathedral and I can just immediately start singing before someone comes to shake my hand.

What's crazy though is the amount of people around, tourists, just snapping pictures. I know, I should be used to it by now, but this was even crazier. I think that because on the one street we have the Abbey, Houses of Parliament and Big Ben...and there's just a sidewalk. So everyone's cramming around and trying not to get by a car. Most other places I've been to was mostly pedestrian areas, not a lot of traffic, people could spread out. So it was interesting to wander through crowds that were going the same way but only I wasn't stopping.

Also, after singing only a few hymns, I've realized how terrible my voice is! My voice was so tired after just a small amount of singing! I need to get back to the choir!

In the meantime, here's the plans for the rest of my time here:

Monday - British Museum most of the day
Tuesday - Westminster Abbey (paying for the tour, probably go after lunch)
Wednesday - British Natural History Museum/other museums in the area

Thursday will depend on what the other girls want to do. I haven't decided what I wanted to do yet. I'll have to do a google search and see what's up. Friday...well, we'll have to be at the airport at like 12, since the flights at 3, so not much time to do stuff.

I'll be home soon!


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