Monday, September 20, 2010

Just some things

I want to start by saying that a few things in my last post didn't come off too well, and it was not my intention to hurt people. However, I did. These people know who they are, and we have talked, leading to my apology. I would now like to make a public apology to them. We all now can move past this, move on and continue having fun.

So, now let's just put it behind us and get on with the blog.

I've started doing some teaching. It was a little scary, but it's getting easier. I started with working with small groups and transitioned to bigger groups. I think I'm pretty much taking over RE. Religion was my focus area and, I won't lie, finding out we're doing Hinduism excited me. Hinduism is a fascinating religion to me, so I'm enjoying sharing my knowledge of it to the students, who really don't know much about it at all. I just have to watch myself, since my knowledge goes beyond what they need to know. But I guess that's the same for many subjects when you're teaching at a primary level.

I did math this morning, and it went well. I like to think I could have done better, but my teacher said I did fine, pointed out some flaws, and all was well. Like last time, most of my flaws include pacing, keeping watch to make sure everyone's paying attention (which is NOT easy at all!), little things like that. So my goal for Wednesday's lesson is to keep up the pacing.

In non-school news, we have some fun trips coming up: Glasgow this weekend, Dublin the first weekend of November and Paris the 20th of November. Should be some good times.

I also found a bar that will give me coffee in my own Tim's mug if I ask. Awesome.

I think that's all for now. Time to do some RE lesson planning.

Until next time,


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