Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Is there anything wrong with being different? Some people think different is weird and generally not good. There are differences in the British school system and the Canadian school system. Does that mean one is better than the other? Here, everyone wears a uniform. Of course there are varying debates on that issue, but I'm not getting into it right now. The students do a lot of group work, which is very interesting. The schools are very family orientated, with parents coming to meet their students outside the classroom door. These are just a few examples. But what about me? Is it ok with me being different?

I've always been slightly different than others, though not always knowing how or why. Sometimes, it's just a feeling inside that says "know what? You're not like the rest of these people. It's not bad, you're just different." I see it now in my ways, in my interests, in how I like to spend my time. I'm not the most social of creatures. I'd rather read or listen to music, watch television, then go out shopping for shoes and clothing just because. It's not enough for me to just "look" at things. I want to know all the details and get to the nitty gritty. My taste in music is pretty different than a lot of my friends. In general, all of this seems fine.

But when you're stuck for four months with others who aren't like you...well, there can be some lonely times. Some times you're just thinking, "can't we do something that I want to do? Why must I be the one left out?". I know deep down it's ok that I'm not like the others, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be left alone all the time. Maybe I should take a listen to Nick Carter some more. I'm closing with excerpts with his song "Not Like You".

I don't care about the summer breaks
Don't know much about love
And I don't care about the look of my hair
Cause I'm not like you

My TV set gives me tenderness
The cab driver guy is my friend
I look around me and all I can see
Is that I'm not like you

Don't tell me it's hard to believe
there's something out there
Cause no matter how much I believe it ain't true
I'm not like you

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