Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meeting today

We had another meeting today!

So it turns out I'll be sleeping alone. I'm alright with that. It's only a few extra dollars, which won't be too bad. I'd rather spend more money and be alone then save money and want to kill myself or my roommate because we don't get along.

Got my passport last week! Yay!

The dates of the actual internship are September 1st - December 10th. We're planning on being there on Saturday August 28th (meaning I miss Angela's wedding) and we can stay an extra week for some travelling, which I'll probably take advantage of. August 28th isn't the exact date but it's the probable date.

I have some forms to fill out which I'll get done.

My major problem is the money. If we had to have all the money at the end of the summer, I'd be ok. But nope. A lot of things need to be paid in advanced. This means I really need to get going on that student line of credit. I haven't asked Poppa if he'll co-sign for me. I hope he will. I'll take him to the bank the next time I'm off during bank hours. Unfortunately, this won't be until next week.

Other things about the meeting were little technicalities, forms, etc. Not much else to report on right now.

Talk to you later,


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ball is Rolling!

The passport application is based in! I should have it by the end of the month. Excellent!

However, I have encountered a new problem. I should be getting full-time, but I'm not. Therefore, I'll be getting less money than I thought I would. Gotta love it when things don't go according to plan. However, I figured that it would be a good idea to take out a student line of credit. That way, I'll have the extra money and if something comes up, the money is there. This could work. I just need a co-signer with good credit. Unfortunately, my parents don't have credit. Not as great.

Anyways, that's where I am now. Many people in my class are learning where they're doing their internship. I know that I'm doing it in Harlow, but it'd be nice to know the school and even the grade. That way, I can do a bit of research and be fully prepared when I get there. All in time, I guess.

Well, that's all for now!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just an Update

There's not really much to update on. I just wanted to let you all know I'm still here. I'm still working, but I've only been getting part-time hours. Well, that's no good. So this week I'm talking to my manager about getting me my full-time hours.

Just waiting for my passport to be signed. I thought I had someone but it kind of fell through. But I have found someone else who I'm meeting with on Tuesday. Then, I'm sending it in if not Tuesday afternoon then Thursday morning (I'm working Wednesday).

No big news about Harlow, since we've had no meetings or anything about that. However, I'm sure we'll meet soon as we need to get flights booked.

When there is something to post, I will post.

See you soon,
