Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Apparently, I lie

It seems like I lied. It's been a month since my last entry. I really didn't want it to be! Really! I mean, I'm done my internship in 2 and a half weeks, home in 3 and a half weeks. Can't believe it really, but it's true.

There are some things I like about being here, and somethings I'll be glad to leave an ocean behind. I'll miss the school and the kids there. For the most part, my kids are good kids, but sometimes you just want to smack them. Sorry, but you do. And I know we're not suppose to have favourites, but I do. Some of them I just love and I wish I could be with them all year because they're just great.

I'll miss how close things are here, how easy it is to get from one place in Europe to another. Another place in England is a different story, particularly if you don't have a car! There are trains, but they like to do work on them during the weekends. Damn engineers.

I won't miss the toliets. Seriously, if you're coming here, beware the toliets. They don't always flush right away and you have to wait like five minutes for them to fill up before you flush again. Drives me nuts.

Somethings I look forward to are Tim Hortons, Mom's mac and cheese, mac and cheese in general (seriously, the macaroni's different here so it's not the same!), snuggling my kitties, WoW and my friends.

Still haven't found where I belong, but I think I've found a bit more of me. This trips been good for me, for the most part.

I have really noticed how much work teaching is. You wake up in the morning, get ready, eat breakfast and go in early so you can prepare for the morning class. During break, you're getting ready for the next class if you don't have playground duty. During the hour of lunch, you're scarfing down food as you're in a meeting or working. If you can get 15 minutes to just sit, you're lucky. You teach in the afternoon and then you're either in more meetings when the kids are gone or you're preparing for the next day until 5pm. You get home, get something to eat. By the time you take the time to call your mom, check facebook, e-mail, etc, there's another half an hour gone. If you're lucky, you'll get the planning done and maybe you can get a television show in before bed. Seriously, it's a LOT of work. No wonder we need two months off.

Went to Dublin and Paris! I thought Dublin was nice, but it was too much like home. We went on a pub crawl which was pretty fun. Met people from all over. A series of books I'm reading takes place in Dublin, so it was nice to put the places in my mind. There's a few other things that would have been interesting to see but we didn't have time, and that's ok. But it was too much like home for my liking. We walked into a store and I think we knew all the songs on the Irish music CD they were playing.

Paris was awesome. It was so big and cultural, you'd need another week to see everything! Most of that time would probably be in the Louvre. Yes, myself and two of the girls went there, saw Venus de Milo and Mona Lisa herself. Pretty cool. Went up in the Eiffel tower too. That was something! I also went to Espace Dali...a museum dedicated to master of the surreal, Salvador Dali. It had lots of his sketches, sculptures and the Surrealist Living Room, which was pretty neat. None of his major works though, but that's ok because it was other stuff that you don't really see, which was neat. It was hard to find, but that just seems like Dali. Also saw Notre Dame, which was pretty amazing.

I really don't know what else I can be writing in here. At least right now. We're going to Spain in our week before we go, so I've been talking to Emma about what to do and travelling within Spain. I'm excited to go! Other than that, it's back to the grindstone. With luck, I'll update before leaving again.

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